Chi Kung and
Tao meditation.
Self-experience, waking of the inner force,
expanding of the conciousness, looking for ways of healing.
These are all critereas, who have found their way in thousands of
years in the chinese culture to build a fundamental base to protect
health, stimulating of the vitality, as well as prolonging life
and further development of the mental life.
Teacher: Fernando Liuzzi.
Building up, controle and storage of seeds, protection of
the plants, working with the help of the bio-dynamic seedingcalender of
Maria Thun, planting in the open.
Preparation of
the soil.
Fertilizing, green
fertilizing, desinfection of a ecological homegarden.
Teacher: The "Centro Las Torcas"-Team
Compost making - Preparation of Seedbeds, Handling of
seeds, Mulching, Use of the mooncalender. Selfmade Elaboration of
ecological pesticide , Technique of .
Teacher: The "Centro Las Torcas"-Team.
Energy Reactivation, Therapysytems of Opening and Harmonization of the
Channels that controls our psycho and physical Balance, for the Health
and the Development of our
inner Perception.
Chi-kung-Exercises, yoga and Meditationes, Taoistas-Shiatsu etc.
Teacher: Fernando Liuzzi
Information: Telf. 600 70 70 64-958 540 393
Baking of
several sorts of bread and bakery.
Yoga and meditation.
A journey to the inner peace!
Asanas, Pranayamas, Meditation, Mantras, inner Alchemie and
Teacher: Fernando Liuzzi
Information: 600 70 70 64—958 540 393
Teacher: The "Centro Las Torcas"-Team
More Information
The courses an seminars are on weekends. The
reception take place on friday starting from 6:00pm. until the
farewell on Sunday.
The participants can stay in the Centro Las Torcas. You can bring along
your sleeping bags We recommend that you bring a torch and
comfortable clothes with you . It`s better to don´t
bring your dogs, since we have own animals.
The food is ovo-lacto-vegetarian, with ecological products, mostly from
our finca.
The price for the weekend courses is 120€: inclusive education,
accommodation and food.
If you are interested in our seminars or courses you can obtain more
information by calling us.
Marianne Hilgers Tlfn. 958 62 20 39 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm